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  • Florian Rohde, Fri Nov 13 2020

  • 10 Growth Hacks guaranteed to maximize your Lead Generation

  • With growth hacking, you can achieve the maximum marketing effect with the least possible expenditure of time, money and manpower - that's how almost every blog sounds. However, the actual added value that can be achieved with growth hacking requires clever preparations and targeted action. In this blog you will learn how to do that, which 3 insider tricks are recommended by TOP marketers and which tools you can use for your growth hacking.

    How should you ideally prepare for growth hacking?

    1. Identify the strongest growth potentials and key themes
    2. Create the mindset
    3. Craft the strategy

  • 1. Identify key issues

  • First, determine the strongest growth potentials in your company and then define the key topics that you want to bring forward with Growth Hacking. The first step is to conduct qualitative and quantitative interviews with your customers, your prospects and your employees to determine the so-called Sustainable Growth. Sustainable Growth shows you your greatest growth potential (which you must first identify) based on three factors.


    Here's what you need to figure out:

    1. Your highest converting advertising channels (top funnels),
    2. The most persuasive arguments you use to generate customers (Magic Moment) and
    3. The most relevant product features, why your customers use the product as a problem solver (Core Product Value).

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  • n the second step, you can define your key topics to focus on with Growth Hacking. Use the AARRR method for this. This funnel method shows the most significant levers you can turn in your customer acquisition, customer activation, customer reengagement, and customer retention.


    How do I go about it?

    Based on your Sustainable Growth results, you now break down all results into these four categories (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral). At this point, your results will still be very clear, as you have just identified your Top Funnels, Magic Moments and Core Product Values. So, expand your research and list specifically which set screw promises you the most success.

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  • Once you have completed your analysis and know which levers are potentially the strongest for growth, it is very important to define your expectations, because now follows no "work off", where in the end a rake is made behind. What follows is a separate business process, for which the mindset is crucial for success.

  • 2. Create the mindset

  • Growth Hacking is not a collection of methods that guarantee your success, but an ongoing process of your business. Consider Growth Hacking as an independent part of your company and do not measure your success by the total output. Because: 90% of the measures do not work! Your growth is defined solely by 10% that move you forward.


    Why is that?

    First and foremost, you test a lot. What works with my target group? Where is my hack best placed? What can I derive from it? All of this is tested out in short hacks and applied quickly. Booking.com, for example, has hired so many growth hackers that over 1,000 ideas are implemented every day. 1,000 ideas a day! That's a heck of a lot, 90% of which is realizing they don't work. However, the remaining 10% is making progress, which caps the entire department's effort.


    It is important that you create a platform of permission for growth hacking. It must be clear to you that ideas are generated quickly and must be activated. Everything is allowed and the individual's performance is not measured by the success of the growth hacks, but by the output of the ideas. Because disappointment is your daily business. What really counts are the individual successes that you bring forward with a few hacks.

  • 3. Tinker the strategy

    • Brief your employees about the potential levers that can be "hacked".
    • Set a timeframe for each of the topics from your AARRR concept and determine how long to work on each set of levers. Have your employee measure the implementation time per hack (to have a valid time value for future planning).
    • Specify another time period to measure the success or failure of the hack (the live shift). Leave the planning, control and testing of the success measurement to your staff.
    • Separate promising hacks and monitor them over a second, extended period. Look at the evolution and decide if it should be used permanently.
    • Develop a growth roadmap from your most successful hacks and derive further actions with similarity character.


    Now that you've prepared your growth hacking work and want to get started, get your first 4 starter hacks that you can implement immediately:

  • 4. Set links

  • Use links to point to your page. With Effin's UTM builder you have the possibility to add campaign related variables to your link. This way you can not only measure if a visitor comes from Instagram to your website, but also exactly which link he clicked on. Together with bit.ly, even the smallest campaign measurements can be made and further individual short-links can be generated. Snip.ly goes even further, because here you can create your own CTA button, which is then displayed as a button to every user who has clicked on your link. So even if you share third-party content, you can use snip.ly to promote your brand and generate more traffic. The ultimate way to make your content efforts successful is Link Shortener.

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  • 4. A/B test on your website

  • There are many tools that allow you to easily test your website with a few clicks. You can test numerous things on your website, such as your navigation bar, headings, links or images, button colors, page layouts, etc. One of the most obvious ways to positively impact your conversion rate is to do some testing with your call-to-action buttons: Color, text, font, shape, placement - the options are many and the test results can have a big impact on visitor behavior. For example, service provider Hubspot ran an A/B test on the color of CTA buttons on its website and found that changing from green to red increased clicks by 21 percent.

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  • 5. Lightbox popups

  • Lightbox popups are windows that pop up and prompt website visitors to sign up for your newsletter. They are very easy to set up and have proven to be very effective in collecting email addresses and new leads. Lightbox popups can be set up to show only to certain visitors, for example, only to first-time visitors who are on the site at a certain time.

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  • 6. Lead generation with interactive forms

  • With interactive forms on your homepage or your (mobile) landing page, you can maximize your lead generation in no time. With just a few clicks, you create an individual approach to your customers and pick them up where you want them to be. You create an individual customer journey in which you can arrange consulting appointments, offer calculators, place free goodies or even set up application funnels for eRecruitment to see who matches with you. And through reporting, you can see at the end who has dropped out of your form at which point and where you can start optimizing.

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