Missing Image
  • Noah Frohn, Tue May 05 2020

  • Our quick tip for you: 3 wet full keys for the optimal smashleads™ shape.

  • Pay attention to the icon size

  • The icons are too big and overlap the icon box. The solution: Go to the designer and choose a suitable icon size.

  • Missing Image

  • Missing Image

  • Pay attention to the font size

  • The response text is too large and cannot be displayed properly for this reason. Go to the designer and set this to a suitable value.

  • Design is the be-all and end-all in lead generation

  • Again and again we see how the slider is not adapted to the design. So make sure to adjust all elements to your website in the designer as well, so that the form is of one piece.

  • Limit contact form fields

  • The simple rule is: the more information fields are displayed at the end of your form, the fewer people will leave contact data. So really only ask for the things you definitely need to further process the lead into a customer. In many cases, the email address is enough.

  • Use an icon card as the first question

  • To get as many visitors as possible to interact with your interactive form, it's best not to start with a slider or a text field. Try to ask the first question using the icon question.

  • The headline as a door opener

  • For a website visitor to interact with the form, he must be stimulated to do so. This stimulation and the creation of curiosity and interest is done through the headline of the form. Pay attention to the following things in the headline:

    • It should communicate direct added value
    • It should directly address the needs of your target group
    • It should be formulated as a question, followed by an answer

  • Place the shape in the right place

  • Make sure that you do not place the form at the bottom of your page. In order to get the most out of your lead generation, it is important to place the form centrally on your page, preferably at the top. This way you can optimize your conversion even further.